What's the cost of employing a CMO or Marketing Director?

(find out the true cost of employment below👇)

Marketing salary expectations

An experienced marketing head will demand a high salary.

The average salary for a UK Marketing Director or CMO in 2024 is £125,000*.

That puts most start-ups and scale-ups at a disadvantage.
Most simply can’t afford that sort of salary.

And on top of that salary, there’s National Insurance and minimum pension contributions to contend with.
Find out the real cost of employment below

And let’s be honest, how much of a start-up marketing director’s time is taken-up with the most valuable, strategic work? How much time is spent on execution could be performed by a more junior marketer? 
Being generous, it might be 50:50. 
That salary is a lot to pay someone to iterate Facebook ads or write blog posts…

There is an alternative...

By hiring a fractional CMO, you get access to the best talent for a limited time each month – but in that time, they only focus on the most valuable work.
You get all the talent for a fraction of the month at a fraction of the cost of employment.

why should big companies get the best marketing talent?

Find the real cost of employment with our free calculator:

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Salary data from *Marketing-Talent.co.uk

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